
My name is Lisa Fern Mozer. I develop and facilitate online course content.My pedagogy practice in science is a combination of application and research. From 2003 to 2019 I held two key consecutive positions with DeKalb county public schools in Georgia USA. I served as science department chair for a unique English language acquisition program, and at Fernbank Science Center in the Physical Science Department I served as the only Instructional Specialist for meteorology. My academic contributions focused on eLearning, Earth Systems (Meteorology), Physical Science, and early sheltered science education. Doctorate in Education, for Instructional Technology, I am an alumna of Kennesaw State University, and I am the program director of Up Wind Project inc. Up Wind Project Inc. (UWPI), is a not for profit cross media platform. Awarded tax exempt status (501c3), UWPI promotes mental health awareness and advocates for Teacher Appreciation & Science Education. The mission This platform is to promote emotional health and encourage self-care/wellness. Managed online communities combined with online professional development ensure knowledge of early warning signs of emotional fatigue and how to practice healthy emotionalself-care. The benefits of self-care directly impacts teacher retention
This online portfolio includes my graduate study program examples for Instructional Technology standards and the ISTE NETS-C (see Standards link), and links that include platform projects such as Teacher Talk, a radio show (that began as a podcast and later on WSIC FM radio) and available on a YouTube channel (also available on iTunes), and Teacher Peer Support - a wellness online peer support group. For information on my published content itmes and my research on learning outcomes & assessments, click on Resume on the menu bar, or connect with me on social media at:
Weather Wonder
UpWind Project
An animation STEM advocacy project
Podcast #TeacherTalk